Songbirds, including robins, cardinals, and sparrows, are vibrant and essential members of Niagara’s bird community. Their cheerful melodies are a defining feature of local woodlands, gardens, and open spaces. These birds are often seen flitting among trees and shrubs, where they feed on insects and berries while adding life to the landscape.
Baltimore Oriole - DSCN1395
Northern Cardinal - DSC04355
American Robin - DSC01324
Baltimore Oriole - DSC06582
Grey Catbird - DSC09539
Northern Cardinal - DSCN0465
House Wren - DSC09801
House Wren - DSCN1314
Cedar Waxwing - DSCN0538
Black -capped Chickadee - DSCN1936
American Goldfinch - DSCN1937
Red-winged Blackbird - DSCN3966
Red-winged Blackbird - DSCN4477
Blue Jay - DSCN7305
House Sparrow - DSCN1370
Red-Winged blackbird - 0A9A5574
American Goldfinch - 0A9A7078
Red-winged Blackbird - DSC05199
Black-capped Chickadee DSCN7914
Northern Mockingbird - DSC04087
American Goldfinch - 0A9A3921
Cedar Waxing - 0A9A5802
Golden-crowned Kinglet - DSC00861
American Goldfinch - DSC02622
Cedar Waxwing - DSC03381
Belted Kingfisher - DSCN2659
Brown-headed Cowbird - DSCN1760
Brown-headed Cowbird - DSCN1776
Yellow Warbler - DSC09410
Tree Swallow - DSCN5984
Baltimore Oriole - DSCN6262
Junco - DSCN6539
Northern Mockingbird - DSCN7255
American Goldfinch - DSCN8598
Indigo Bunting - 0A9A6427
Eastern Bluebird - DSC04829
White-breasted Nuthatch - DSC09682
Snow Bunting - DSCN6770
House Sparrow - DSC02502
Red-breasted nuthatch - DSC03495
Starling - DSC03694
Belted Kingfisher - DSC04248
Rose-breast Grosbeak - DSC04560
Cedar Waxwing - DSC05039
Rose-breasted Grosbeak - DSC05356
Cedar Waxwing - DSC06632
Lesser Flycatcher - DSC07020
Tree Swallow - DSC07305
Baltimore Oriole - DSC07582
Orchard Oriole - DSC07617
Northern Mockingbird - DSC08486
House Sparrow - DSCN0587
House Finch - DSCN1583
Marsh Wren - DSCN3799
Tree Swallow - DSCN5958
Eastern Kingbird - DSCN8122
Northern Cardinal - 0A9A0423
Northern Cardinal - 0A9A3492
Hermit Thrush - 0A9A09347
Barn Swallow - 0A9A1322
Indigo Bunting - 0A9A3016
House Finch - 0A9A4344
Blue Jay - 0A9A7957
Tree Swallow - 0A9A9816
Red-winged Blackbird - DSC03618
Blue Jay - DSC04499
Black-capped Chickadee - DSC04576
Blue Jay - DSC04708
Eastern Kingbird - DSC04766
Dark-eyed Junco - DSC04692
Blue Jay - DSC04702
Black-capped Chickadee - DSC04791
Northern Cardinal - DSC04817
Black-capped Chickadee - DSC04834
Brown-headed cowbird - DSC08213
Baltimore Oriole - DSCN6472
Cedar Waxwing - DSCN9688
Red-winged Blackbird - DSC02354
Northern Cardinal - 0A9A0790
Northern Cardinal - DSCN6376
Sparrow - DSC02679
Northern Cardinal - DSC03279
Northern Cardinal - DSC03159
Northern Cardinal - 0A9A0808
Dark-eyed Junco - DSC04597
Dark-eyed Junco - DSC04616
Nothern Cardinal - DSCN9688