Raptors, such as hawks, falcons, and eagles, are iconic inhabitants of Niagara’s skies, serving as top predators in the region’s ecosystems. The escarpment and wooded areas provide excellent nesting and hunting grounds, supporting species like the red-tailed hawk and the bald eagle. Open grasslands also attract raptors like the northern harrier, which relies on these spaces for its aerial hunting techniques.
Snowy Owl - DSC2250
Snowy Owl - 0A9A8555
Kestrel - DSC-RX10M4
Eastern Screech - DSC02121
Coopers Hawk - DSC-RX10M4
Great-horned Owl - 0A9A8359
Great-horned Owl - 0A9A8363
Great-horned Owl - DSC04274
Great-horned Owl - DSC04260
Red-tailed Hawk - DSC00041
Great Horned Owl - DSC01999
Great Horned Owl - DSC02027
Barred Owl - DSC02658
Barred Owl DSC02717
American Bald Eagle - DSC09409
Kestrel - DSCN0258
Eastern Screech Owl - DSCN6289
Turkey Vulture - DSCN8745
Screech Owl - DSC03332
Kestrel - 0A9A9014
Great Horned Owls - 0A9A6486
Great Horned Owl - 0A9A6554
Red-tailed Hawk - DSC04461
Bald Eagle - 0A9A0145
Bald Eagle - 0A9A9483
Bald Eagle - 0A9A9723
Eastern Screech - DSC01868