Transform your space with the beauty of nature by showcasing a collection of three bird photos. Groupings of three create a harmonious balance that adds depth and visual interest to any room. Whether you prefer vibrant, colorful birds or serene, understated designs, these carefully curated sets of three offer the perfect touch of elegance. Explore the groupings below to find the perfect combination that complements your home’s style and brings the peaceful presence of birds into your everyday environment.
Red-Winged Blackbird - DSC05199
Northern Cardinal - DSCN6376
Black-capped Chickadee - DSCN7914
Northern Mockingbird - DSC04087
Eastern Kingbird - DSC04766
Killdeer - DSCN4080
Great-Horned Owl - DSC02121
Snowy Owl - 0A9A8555
Great-Horned Owl 0A9A8369
Yellow Warbler - 0A9A0261
Red-Winged Blackbird - 0A9A5574
Goldfinch - 0A9A7078
Northern Cardinal - DSC03159
Downy - DSC03183
Northern Cardinal - 0A9A0790
Solitary Sandpiper - 0A9A4304
Semipalmated Plover - 0A94560
Greater Yellowlegs - DSC01357
Ruby-throated Hummingbird - DSC01927
Ruby-throated Hummingbird DSC02005
Ruby-throated Hummingbird DSC02020
Red-bellied Woodpecker - DSC04652
Downy Woodpecker - DSC03386
Northern Flicker - DSCN9139
Northern Cardinal - 0A9A0423
Downy Woodpecker - DSC03386
Northern Cardinal - DSC04355
Dark-eyed Junco - DSC04597
Blue Jay - DSC04499
Black-capped Chickadee - DSC04576
Hermit Thrush - 0A9A09347
Blue Jay - DSC04708
Cedar Waxwing - DSC05039
Golden-crowned Kinglet - DSC01022
Black-throated Grey Warbler - 0A9A0260
Tree Swallow - DSC07305
Cape May Warbler - DSCN0238
House Wren - DSCN1314
Black-throated Green DSCN0238
Cape May Warbler - 0A9A1001
Blackburnian Warlbler - 0A9A1805
Common Yellowthroat Warbler - 0A9A0945
Cedar Waxwing - DSC03381
Killdeer - DSCN4080
Ruby -throated DSC02020
Bald Eagle - 0A9A0145
Bald Eagle - 0A9A9723
Bald Eagle - 0A9A9483